Friday, December 24, 2010

Croquembouche for Christmas Eve

So I attempted it.  Looking back through Martha's books dating back several decades earlier, I couldn't help but notice it.  Actually, it kept eyeing me. I wasn't all that interested at first, really.  Shy but confident, I tried to explain to the over-glorified Egyptian pyramid, that I was a novice baker.  Like a two year old folding their arms in defiance, no didn't matter.

In December of 2009, a Croquembouche was on the cover of Martha's monthly magazine. Towering at two feet high, the glossy, light-amber edible "Christmas tree" looked very tempting.  Although my baking skills in the kitchen are a touch more advanced than basic, I decided to give it a try.  My dad found out that I was attempting this and so he called me.  He said, "That looks awfully advanced, Morgan.  What are you going to do if it doesn't turn out?"  I quickly told him that it's not life and death in the kitchen...well most of the time, that is.  So if it didn't turn out, I'd laugh about it and melt into a quiet evening NOT in the kitchen.  

For some unexplainable reason (the stars must have been aligned kinda thing), it turned out.  Some of you have asked me to post pictures of my finished product, and so I have.  I have also included some VERY important comments that you will NOT find elsewhere.  Happy baking!

1)  Rule number one.  Bake WITHOUT A BRA ON while wearing a slightly ethereal t-shirt.  I did, and I got free babysitting from, oh about 3:30 until 9:30pm!  It was wonderful.  Thank you Ben! Don't do this if you have company over or if you have children old enough to gawk and run away from you in horror.

2)  Isn't it amazing what such simple ingredients can yield?  I had to capture the simplicity here.

3) While making the puffs, once you have melted the butter in the water with the salt and sugar, add the flour slowly.  If you don't, it will be one big lumpy mess here.  By the way, the mixing required at this step is a workout.  There is absolutely no need to lift any weights today, ladies!  Wooohoooo!

4) While following the directions for your Croquembouche(regardless of where you find your recipe), you want to mix the water, butter, salt and sugar well until you notice a film on the bottom of your pot.  Here is a picture of what the film looks like.

5)When it comes to piping the puffs onto the parchment paper, I could not find my 1/2-inch-wide pastry tip.  Soooo, I just used the coupler without a tip and called it good.  Just remember, if you do this, after piping onto parchment, go back with your fingers and smooth out the puffs to keep them looking round.

6) Do not forget the egg glaze.  I had Ben give me a hand with a round of puffs in the oven and he forgot.  Bless his heart.  The glaze is important because it keeps them shiny and helps them to brown nicely too.

7) The pastry cream has two steps.  The first stage without the addition of chocolate, and then the second stage where you add your melted chocolate.  Beginning with the first stage, you are making a custard-like cream here.  Watch your temperature!  Really, really scrape the bottom of your pot while mixing continuously so that nothing burns.  Trust me, it's a long story.

8) Once you melt your chocolate and espresso in a double boiler (or a heat proof bowl), add that mix to your pastry cream.  Make sure you work out all the lumps.  Use the back of your spoon to help you, if needed.  Remember, the cream is going to be bitten into, so you want a nice uniform texture.  No lumps.

9)  Backing up to the "custard step", you will notice that scalding your milk is required.  I thought, "What the heck is that?"  Scalding your milk means that you want to warm it to 185 degrees.  Scalding helps by destroying enzymes that affect how the milk behaves in your recipe and it keeps the milk from thickening too much in your batter.  So don't get confused when they tell you to scald the milk.  Just get out your trusty old candy thermometer and wait for the temp to reach 185.

10)  When filling your pastry puffs with cream, your recipe will typically call for a 1/4-inch-wide tip.  Again, couldn't find it, so I just used a medium tip that was pointy enough to puncture the puff.  Don't worry if you don't have the 1/4-inch-wide tip.

11)  For the spun sugar- I did not use the spun sugar.  Keep in mind that spinning sugar can be tricky.  When making the caramel, the extra caramel is going to be spun (by moving two forks back and forth with the caramel in between) and should be a VERY light amber color.  Once the sugar becomes darker than this, something really odd happens.  Once it cools, hard sugar crystals form and you can kiss your spun sugar croquembouche goodbye.  I made two batches of spun sugar and found that if I had just worked quickly assembling the Croquembouche, the original batch of caramel would have been fine for spinning.  Key point- work quickly and don't over heat your caramel.

12) Safety Point:  At one point you will be dipping your pastry puff into HOTTTT caramel.  USE small tonges to do this.  I didn't and I scalded not only the milk today, but my right middle finger, in addition to a few tips of my fingers.  Profanity flung out of my mouth.  Trust me,  even if you don't swear, strange and awful words will come out.  Be careful!

13)  Enjoy! 

The below picture shows the puffs before assembly.

The kids absolutely loved it!

Here it is!

The assembly

I'm getting a little tired here. Can ya tell?

The chocolate-espresso filling is kicking in.

Girls LOVE chocolate.

The End...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Christmas Hunt...

Most of us have, at one time or another, longed for that one special gift that we wanted to open on Christmas morning (or even earlier if it was up to us!).  Back in the day, when I was in seventh grade, it was cherry red Doc Martin's.  The red ones, that came up just past your ankles.  With black and white striped stockings on, I thought I could join just pack up and join the Cranberries, because I just "fit right in".  Oh my, that's taking me back!

This year, my two younger children, Sarah and Gabriel don't yet have that material longing that I had developed as I had reached my early teens.  Both children are absolutely fascinated with puppets, so for them, wrapped in a huge box (for them to play in later), we are making them sock puppets. 

Recently, Jordan (my 12 year old) has become quite the knitter in the family.  Soon, he is going to complete his very first scarf!  Honestly, he is much better at it than me.  The stitches come easily to him and they just stitch together beautifully.  In the most recent issue of a farm magazine, there was an article about Angora Rabbits.  Jordan fell in love with the "puffy clouds" as he calls them and wants one for Christmas.  Did you know that you can use their fiber to make all kinds of useful and interesting knitted items?  I always love Christmas presents that are affordable, useful, eco friendly and can be put to use!  So, no matter where you live, either in the expansive countryside, or in a tiny loft, rabbits are so easy to care for and keep.  They are clean animals and so fun to keep.  I've even heard of people knitting their rabbits outfits!

No matter how you have decided to present those presents to your loved ones, do it with flair and with the environment in mind.  You can't go wrong when compassion is the driver of your decisions. Wishing you all a happy, peaceful and merry Christmas and holiday season too!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let Down Your Hair

The holidays are approaching and my hair is super dry!  For those of you who don't know, I have Pomeranian-thick, curly hair.  Recently, I have been using my flat iron and that has dried the heck out of my hair.  Below, I have put together some recipes that you can find in your own kitchen to help hydrate your locks.  The reason I love these recipes is that 1) you did not have any packaging resources that were used up 2) they are all natural (nothing that sounds like it belongs on Mars), 3) It is affordable!  Hope you enjoy them.  Let me know what you thought and what you make to help keep your hair looking gorgeous.

Rosemary Hot Oil Treatment

1/2 cup organic dried rosemary
1/2 cup organic soybean or sunflower oil

Combine ingredients and heat until warm.  Run liquid through a cheesecloth or fine strainer. Run liquid through hair while paying special attention to the ends of your hair.  Leave oil on for fifteen minutes.  Rinse hair until oil is completely removed.

Nettle Hair Lotion

1 cup nettle leaf

Simmer nettles in three cups of water.  Strain and rub into hair.  Use every other day.  Keeps hair soft and shiny.  Keep refrigerated.

Hot Oil Treatment for Damaged Hair

1/2 cup organic sunflower oil
8 drops sandalwood oil
8 drops lavender oil
8 drops geranium oil

Mix ingredients well and warm oil to a comfortable temperature.  Apply to damp hair and wrap hair in a damp towel for 20 minutes.  Shampoo.

Lavender Rosemary Hot Oil Treatment

1/2 cup organic sunflower oil
5 drops rosemary oil
10 drops lavender oil

Mix ingredients well.   Warm oils together until it reaches a comfortable temperature and then wrap hair in a damp towel for 20 minutes.  Shampoo.

Clarifying Cider Rinse

1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 really cool water

Run mixture over hair and rinse hair as usual.

Baking Soda Clarifying Treatment

3 T baking soda
1 1/2 t honey
1/4 t water
Cider Vinegar Rinse (above)

Mix ingredients together and rinse hair as usual.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Carrot Bread

I just pulled out a hot, fresh loaf of carrot bread.  Oh, how sweet the air smells!  The aroma of nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon and cloves is filling our home, making it warm.  The recipe is calls for 25 min. in the oven.  It took me more like 35min.  The result is pure perfection.  Highly recommended.  The crunchy walnuts add a nice bite to the bread, while the carrots remind you that vegetables can still be a part of baking. 


1 t butter, or butter substitute
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 t baking soda
1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t ground cloves
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 t allspice
1/4 t salt
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs, lighltly beaten, or egg replacer
2 cups grated carrots
1/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped (optional)

So, this recipe could be made vegan or vegetarian (minus the eggs). 
Let's just say, it only lasted less than an hour on the cutting board because little fingers were devouring it.  Yummy!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sweating To the Oldies???

We all know it.  We have all heard it before.  You simply cannot live in 2010 without feeling like you are some convict if you are not engaged in some sort of rigorous physical activity at least three times per week.  I can't help it but my mind is instantly taking me to images of that guy with curly hair that "Sweats to the oldies".  Or, what about that lady with practically no hair...Susan Powter? 

 For me, I am just so busy.  The demands of life are, well tremendous at times.  My two younger angels are made from some other planet; their energy is endless and they never need to recharge.

On the other hand, I do!  I need my eight hours of sleep.  I wouldn't mind a nap either, if I ever could.  I find myself drinking coffee to energize. Yes, that works wonders in the morning.  But what do I do at about; oh say at two or three pm when I'm crawling on the floor with the kids- not because they crawl anymore but because I can't stand up?  No, actually I'm joking.  Luckily it's not that bad yet.  But you know what I mean…

So I was thinking.  Many productive, busy people have the time to workout.  Even the President of the United States of America works out!  Can I do it?  Actually, I have been doing it for the past few weeks (and limping around on one leg while chasing kids is not cute) and I'm starting to get over being really sore.  So now I’m fully committing to working out five times per week.  Even with my busy schedule.  I’m just tired of the same old excuses and I’m tired of how I feel when I just expect my body to somehow take care of me when, I’ve done nothing for her.  Since I’m in what is kind of like an arranged marriage with my body, I’m going to try and do my best to take care of my better half in hopes to get along better in the world. 

December is going to be a trial for me to see if it will work.  Even though it is packed with a kids birthday, two family member's birthdays, my birthday, Christmas and New Year’s (Oh, what am I thinking!) I think, or at least I’ve heard it can help reduce stress. What do you think?  Want to do it with me? Maybe we won’t have to run to the nearest caffeinated company to reclaim our day.  So, if energy is all I get, then let's roll!  Or, I should say run.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Being Neighborly

Today, unlike most days, I was able to venture out to the market kid free!  Now don't get me wrong, I love taking the kids with me.  Well, I really, hehehe.  So today before I left, I spruced myself up and was looking pretty good, if I might say so myself.

While at the market, I took extra time as I perused each section.  Instead of grabbing the usual brand and jetting off with my cart, I paused, took a deep breath and looked at other brands around me as well.  How nice this was! 

As I began to wrap up my shopping, I realized that I forgot the OJ and had to go clear back to the other side of the store.  Has that ever happened to you?  Oh, good it's not just me!  As I was taking my tiny baby steps ( I decided to wear heels to the store)  I unexpectedly spotted my neighbors husband.  “Oh no" I thought to myself.  "Just keep going; act like you don't even see them.” I pushed my cart faster and began to twist my head from side to side in confusion.  'Oh, I can't find what I’m looking for.” The next second, I began to pass Joyce.  I made my way to the OJ section.  The kind gentleman asked me if I was finding everything ok.  Turns out, they didn't even have the OJ I was looking for. FYI Raley’s in Loomis does not carry organic OJ!  After he told me this I nodded and thanked him for his help.  Then, I stopped. What the heck was I doing?  Why did I ignore Jim and Joyce?  I am always talking about getting to know your neighbors and begin all neighborly and stuff and then I ignore mine?

And so I had to do it.  I had to backtrack and find them.  Sure enough I did.  They were in the baking isle.  In a matter of milliseconds I found my mind wandering into their country home, envying her country wisdom and skills.  Realizing she is from an era that is just beginning to die out.  Wanting to make the connection with her I smile.   “Jim, Joyce good to see you!" They stop.  They smile.  "Hi.  Are you our neighbor?"  Remember, I told you that I spruced up and all, so I think Jim and Joyce had a hard time recognizing me.  They began to tell me about the unexpected loss of their daughter.  I also found out about her memorial service in Idaho.  Even the details of their Thanksgiving were shared with me.  I found out that this year they used paper plates and paper napkins for the first time.  Joyce reminded me that she had five children and that she had conceived one every year!  I soon was reminded about the wealth of wisdom and knowledge right next door to me.  Joyce knew all too well the joys and sorrows of motherhood. 

As I wrapped things up with them and daintily hobbled away, I was thankful that I decided to make the connection with them.  This time of year if you don't feel particularly festive, why not start next door?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Desserts

I've seen something like these several times now in the Martha Mags. and thought how fun and beautiful it would be to attempt these desserts.  So today I felt particularly compelled to make these desserts.  The Crostata is cooking in the hot, aroma filled oven and we've long since tasted the pie.  As I sit here and type the hot air around me is filled with a rich, buttery aroma.  I know these desserts are NOT healthy!  The way I see it, Thanksgiving is but a few days away and this year I am not cooking.  I feel compelled to at least thrust myself deeply into the realm of cooking something long and time consuming- especially this time of year.  And so I did.

Comments on the Apple-Blackberry Pie with "Turkey" Pate Brisee-   Great!  Slightly sour, but not too much.  This dessert is definitely not too sweet.  I could see this going over really well after the big meal on Thanksgiving due to the blackberry imitating the cranberry in its tart-sour flavor.  Martha often uses leaves on her fall pies.  I do not have the leaf cookie cutters, but I did have a turkey. 

Finding the Gusto

And so we begin another project, another dreamy "wish list" and then what!  I don't know how many times I've watched an episode of Martha and swore up and down that I was "gonna do that".  So what happens to us?  We really start out with the best intentions.  A project gets started, or nearly completed, and then bam!  Or we just pile up the project ideas for so long, that we begin to shut down our creative, divinely inspired gift and become as sour as a lemon, and as bitter as an unripe persimmon. 

NOT ME!  As the poet Dylan Thomas once said “Do not go gentle into that good night."  Or, as Buzz Lightyear once said, “Never give up, never surrender."

And so here I am.  A mother of three beautiful children, that takes up ALL of my time.  Since the coffee bean was made to create energy, what's my excuse? 

Follow me into a journey of creativity and beauty.  Let's join together to create a lifetime of wonder and simplicity.  Let's not do this alone.  How about we just see, if the average woman in America today, has enough time and money to become the creative, green, and happy mama that we feel in our core exists in our world?  If so, then our dreamy wish list can become a reality.