Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Christmas Hunt...

Most of us have, at one time or another, longed for that one special gift that we wanted to open on Christmas morning (or even earlier if it was up to us!).  Back in the day, when I was in seventh grade, it was cherry red Doc Martin's.  The red ones, that came up just past your ankles.  With black and white striped stockings on, I thought I could join just pack up and join the Cranberries, because I just "fit right in".  Oh my, that's taking me back!

This year, my two younger children, Sarah and Gabriel don't yet have that material longing that I had developed as I had reached my early teens.  Both children are absolutely fascinated with puppets, so for them, wrapped in a huge box (for them to play in later), we are making them sock puppets. 

Recently, Jordan (my 12 year old) has become quite the knitter in the family.  Soon, he is going to complete his very first scarf!  Honestly, he is much better at it than me.  The stitches come easily to him and they just stitch together beautifully.  In the most recent issue of a farm magazine, there was an article about Angora Rabbits.  Jordan fell in love with the "puffy clouds" as he calls them and wants one for Christmas.  Did you know that you can use their fiber to make all kinds of useful and interesting knitted items?  I always love Christmas presents that are affordable, useful, eco friendly and can be put to use!  So, no matter where you live, either in the expansive countryside, or in a tiny loft, rabbits are so easy to care for and keep.  They are clean animals and so fun to keep.  I've even heard of people knitting their rabbits outfits!

No matter how you have decided to present those presents to your loved ones, do it with flair and with the environment in mind.  You can't go wrong when compassion is the driver of your decisions. Wishing you all a happy, peaceful and merry Christmas and holiday season too!

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