Sunday, February 13, 2011

For the Birds!

For the Birds!

On any given day, inside or out, I can hear a bird singing its beautiful melody.  Since I've been working on knitting, I happened to open two balls of yarn (purchased at a discount store) that were of no use.  Cut to tiny pieces, I was literally left holding the yarn.

What to do? Can't knit with this stuff...ding!  It occurred to me that I could hang the pieces of yarn from our beloved plum tree for the birds!  Come spring, I can't wait to take the kids out to find birds nests made with our yarn!  In the meantime, our tree looks very dazzling.  Remember, birds knit too!

At first, I couldn't believe it!  I was getting ready to knit, when I discovered  small fragments of yarn coming loose.   I decided to find an alteternate use for the beautiful wool.
Simply take segments of yarn, about 12 inches long and toss over branches.  If desired, get kids involved.  If they can't reach, give them a lift.  The tree looks very stunning decorated in this manner.
Tried to get a few angles.  My little camera phone can't capture the big picture, but can give you an idea.

~Happy Decorating~

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